Thursday, September 26, 2013

Let God Lead

Hello Everyone,

Dalanda and I just got back from a few days of rest and relaxation at the Colorado River. It was beautiful.
While we were gone we got an email from  our landlord that the house we have been in was sold and the new owner would like to meet and for us to sign a new lease. We have not been under a lease for over five years and didn't want to commit for the long term right now as we see that things are changing in the land. Dalanda asked me the question "Do you have enough faith that God will take care of us if we don't agree to a one year term?" The question then becomes "What if they evict us and we have to move?" So we both were praying and trusting the Lord. When I met with them I told them we think God is up to something and that we should not sign up for a one year lease but we would like to stay on a month to month. They understood and said "OK."
God is so wonderful. Not just because of this but because He gives direction and when we step in His direction He will continue to lead. Let God lead. Let Him show you the way you should go and walk in it.

God Bless you all!

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