Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Hello Everyone!

I remember that fateful day. I was at my business working with my friend Mike and the TV was giving me some background noise. I looked over when the news alert came on about the tower being attacked. We watched in horror for the next couple of hours as the towers came down. Our hearts ached for the people and the city of New York. America had come under attack. This is something we are not used to happening here. I pray we never have to get used to that.
That Sunday as the church was filled with many faces that hadn't been in a while, the pastor, Dave Tanner, walked over to me during worship and told me "God shows me you have the anointing of an Evangelist today, go and preach the word." I went to the stage and preached a message and did the altar call and many people came to the altar to give their lives to Jesus. Many responded to God that day.
Nine months later I was in New York. We went to ground zero. It was a very somber site to see. When we came out of the end of the subway line there were pictures and notes for the people that were missing. My heart was broken. The buildings around the site had covers and one had a huge sign that said "We will never forget."  As I site today and remember that time I think back on all the people that came to church on that Sunday after, how the altar was filled with people. I remember that it didn't last. They eventually stopped coming and faded back into their old lifestyle. I asked the Lord where were they. He simply told me "They build their house on fear and that is sinking sand."
Maybe you can remember a time when you made a step toward Jesus and you are thinking today "I need to get back to Him." It's not out of fear but out of you know that He is the way, the truth, and the life. Just bow your heart to Him today and make that decision to follow Jesus. Get back to the house of God where you can grow in Christ. It's a great time to serve the Lord today.

God Bless you!

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