Monday, July 25, 2016

Getting Hooked

I recently had a time of relaxing and fishing with my grandsons. It was so fun. I caught my limit in one hour. It was in a touristy area and many people were watching me fish. I reeled in one fish and had my grandson help me get the fish in. He was holding the pool and I was going to take the fish off the hook. The fish jumped and the hook came out into  my finger. I was now caught.
As I tried to wiggle the hook out, the deeper it went in. The barb was below the surface and my fat fingers were just pushing it deeper into my finger.

The same thing happens in life. The enemy will try and get a hook in us. And while we just wiggle it around it gets stuck deeper. By wiggling I mean entertaining it. Playing with it.

I didn't have any pliers to back it out and it was a barbed hook. It was starting to hurt. My grandson was watching as were many people standing around to see why my face was grimacing. I grabbed the line tight and pulled hard and fast. The hook pulled through the skin and came out. It stung. A man watching closely said "It looks like that hurt" and I just said "Yeah."

When it comes to the hooks the enemy has in you, you have to just pull them out. Don't entertain them or not deal with them because it may hurt coming out. Be bold and and yank. Don't give the enemy any ground in your life.

My finger bled for a minute and I just smiled at my grandson. He knew it hurt but he knows I'm tough. I just shook it off and kept going. It may hurt for a moment but dealing with the issue head on will get you free.

God bless you.

Pastor Ron King

Monday, July 11, 2016

Being All In

I have taught about marriage a lot through the years. God has shown me a lot about being married.
For those of you wanting to get married;
When people are dating they tend to walk in their personality. They get all showered and cleaned up to look their best for you. They say the right things and do the right things. They show you what they think you want to see. They put their best foot forward.
When you get married, you find out what they are really like. They settle into their true character. They say that men can be like a hunter and once they get the lady, they stop trying. You find out what they are really like.
All of our habits that were held back on, come out. So it is important to get to know the character of a person.
So the question I have for you today is:
Are you just dating the Lord or are you all in?
Dating would be that you just put your best on when your around other Christians.
Being all in, is your character is the same all the time. Your allowing the Lord to take off the rough edges so that kindness is coming forth.
You humble yourself and admit you need to overcome a certain area of your life. We will walk in love and forgiveness and encourage you as you walk through it.
Your patient with those that at the beginning of the things you have already overcome. You don’t forget where you came from.

If you want to be all in, pray and ask Jesus to be the center of your live. 

Pastor Ron King