Right now we are going through the Book of Genesis as a church. As I have been reading my faith is increasing. It is so awesome to see how God fulfills His word.
As I read through chapter 36 today, I could have just skimmed through it as it was about the genealogy of Esau. He gave up his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew. Why would this be important to read.
Well, right in the middle of it, it says that Esau took his family, servants, and all his livestock and left the land to his brother Jacob.
He had been working that land for 21 years while his brother was away with Laben and now he moves off of it because there is not enough room.
The great thing is that the land was promised to Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. The land was not to be Esau's. Esau moved without a big conflict.
I was so encouraged by this in that when God has a plan and has released a promise, He makes sure it happens. God makes a way for His word to be fulfilled.
Jacob didn't have to make it happen by fighting with his brother, he just did what he was supposed to do and God did the rest.
Today, do what you know to do and put the rest in God's hands and let Him settle His word to you.
God bless you and have a great day.
Pastor Ron