When you look at explosives and see the impact that C-4 can have it is very powerful. Here at New Hope we are pushing a different type of C-4.
When we commit to the Lord and each other and are consistent in it, we get connected. We truly take interest in God and people. When we surrender to the Lord (Commit) we are called to love him with all of our heart, soul, and might. In the same way we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. All this love causes us to connect and with that there is change that takes place in our lives and in the life of the church body.
C-4 can bring about a revolution of doing things God's way and not the worlds way. Let's make an effort to get on board with God's way of doing things and His way of being right.
Be committed to the cause of Christ and be consistent in your service to Him and you will connect with God and His people and it will bring about change in your life and those around you.
God Bless