Thursday, August 22, 2013

Our Purpose

by Pastor Ronald King on 08/19/13
They say that 85% of all people that come to church are invited by a friend or family member. With these kind of statistics it would seem that we invest a lot of time, energy, and money in reaching the 15% of the people. As the body of Christ let's begin to target our family and friends with major prayer. Let's get them to come with us to the house of God. Let's take responsibility for getting them discipled.  Let the love of God flow out to your family and friends and let's not have to another program when the answer is sitting in our seats. You are the very one that God desires for His love to flow through to reach your family and friends. Open your mouth and allow Him to fill it today. 
Don't be silent any longer.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Who do you Worship?

As I read the account of the woman at the well this past week, there was one statement that jumped out at me. Jesus said "You worship what you do not know." It got me thinking about her struggles in life. She was living with a man she was not married to and she had been married five times already. Everybody looks at the divorce rate today as if it's something new, but it was an issue then also. 
Jesus' words may have been the solution to the problem, "You worship what you do not know." My marriage was in shambles at the early stages of matrimony. It would have been easy to quit and just walk away. But as we began to worship with a hunger for God, our lives began to be transformed and then our marriage was transformed. 
I wonder how many people fill the church's of America "Worshiping what they don't know." Taking the time to know God should be life changing. If your life is not being changed from going to church, take it a step further today and seek Him when your not in church. Let your mindset be changed to know that you are the church. Connect with God today through the Word, Worship, and Prayer. Abandon your heart to Him.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


We showed the movie "Agenda: Grinding Down America" last night in our service. The word of God challenges us to "Watch and Pray." Watching can be difficult at times because we may find things that are wrong in our society and our ability to fix them is lacking. The undermining of morality in the USA is very real. Morality is what keeps a society together. If we throw that away, we can become like the Roman Empire and get to the point that no one see's value in maintaining it and they got overran.
Morality is a glue that keeps us going. When we use the Bible as our standard for living, it has given us Hope for the land. With the recent decisions that our government has been making it has stirred me more for the HOPE we have in Jesus. As the body of Christ we need to pray like never before for this great nation. "Let God arise and His enemies be scattered."
Don't allow yourself to get lax in praying and seeking God. Now is the time to humble ourselves before Him and not to let the things of this world overtake us but overtake the world with the presence of God. Don't give in to world pressures but make a stand for the truth, the truth of the word of God.
Jesus said : I came to reveal truth. Let us who are of the truth walk it out in our lives so that our light shines in the midst of the darkness.
Don't give up.

Pastor Ron