1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 23 Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. 24 God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful.
As I read this passage through I see that God has made a way for holiness in our lives. He will keep us blameless.
God is intent on making a way. He told Mary what was going to happen to her and she trusted God. He told Joseph through a dream what needed to happen and Joseph obeyed. He had declared that Jesus would be born in a manger and He used a heathen king, Ceaser, to send everybody back to their hometown.
Joseph and Mary traveled 70 miles to Bethlehem. That is a long walk for a pregnant lady. But God was intent on making this happen. It was prophesied in Micah that the babe would be born in Bethlehem. God made it happen.
There are promises in the word of God that have been made for us. As we trust and obey the Lord, God will see to it that those things we are holding on to will be fulfilled. God's word does not return to Him void.
So don't lose hope today. Just know that if God said it, God will make it happen.
God Bless you.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Mary did you Know
As I read the account in Luke 1 there were some things that really jumped out at me. They were who the angel declared Mary to be.
1. Pure: a virgin
When I look at this I think about how Jesus has made us pure by His precious blood.
2. He declares her as royalty: from the line of David
In Revelation Jesus has declared us kings and priest, so that makes us royalty also.
3. He speaks grace over her: rejoice oh highly favored one! The Lord is with you;blessed are you among women.
4. The Holy Spirit will come upon you
All these things that made Mary special enough to give birth to Jesus has come to each on of us who believe in Jesus. Just know that you are special to god and that He loves you.
God bless you
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Seven Spirits of God
Revelation 1 tells of the Seven Spirits before the throne of God and Isaiah 11:2 tells us who they are:
Fear of God
It is one Spirit with 7 facets to minister to us. It's like the fruit of the Spirit is singular and not plural, if you have one you have them all. It's all about letting them shine forth.
As I have studied the Seven Spirits of God I see how they all work together to make me a Light in the midst of darkness.
As the fear of God was birthed in me I had a hunger for more knowledge of God which made the Spirit of Might kick in to make me a stronger Christian which caused me to receive the Council of the Lord so that I could Understand the knowledge i have received which turned into wisdom which is applying the word of God to my life so that now I can make decisions from a position of rest and not fatigue, frustration, failure or fear.
When we let the Spirit of God have His way in us it is transformational to our lives. The peace of God will work through us and we will be at rest even when the world is not.
Let the Holy Spirit minister to you today. Let Him speak to you and do a complete work in you so that worry will disappear.
God Bless you.
Fear of God
It is one Spirit with 7 facets to minister to us. It's like the fruit of the Spirit is singular and not plural, if you have one you have them all. It's all about letting them shine forth.
As I have studied the Seven Spirits of God I see how they all work together to make me a Light in the midst of darkness.
As the fear of God was birthed in me I had a hunger for more knowledge of God which made the Spirit of Might kick in to make me a stronger Christian which caused me to receive the Council of the Lord so that I could Understand the knowledge i have received which turned into wisdom which is applying the word of God to my life so that now I can make decisions from a position of rest and not fatigue, frustration, failure or fear.
When we let the Spirit of God have His way in us it is transformational to our lives. The peace of God will work through us and we will be at rest even when the world is not.
Let the Holy Spirit minister to you today. Let Him speak to you and do a complete work in you so that worry will disappear.
God Bless you.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
When you look at the book of Job and all he went through, you can start feeling sorry for him and his trials. All that he lost and then the attack on his health. Earthly wisdom came from Job's wife which said "curse God and die." Maybe she was a little bitter towards God. But right in the middle of things there is a jewel of a verse. It is Job 28:28
Job 28:28
New King James Version (NKJV)
28 And to man He said,
‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom,
And to depart from evil is understanding.’”
‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom,
And to depart from evil is understanding.’”
To fear the Lord is wisdom. What it means to have a fear of the Lord is that we care more about what He thinks then we think or those around us think of us. God becomes the main thing. Wisdom is when we take the knowledge of the Word of God and apply it to our lives. It is application of the Word of God based on the knowledge of what will happen to us if we don't listen to God. It is so simple.
Our battle comes in the form of our flesh. When we let our flesh dictate our walk we miss the mark by a mile. Being ruled by our flesh is not godly wisdom. One of the facets of the Holy Spirit shown to us in Isaiah 11:2 is wisdom. So if we have the Holy Spirit we have wisdom which enables us to fear the Lord which enables us to live a life of following His word.
We can do this. Not out of our strength but out of the Lord's strength which is in my by the Holy Spirit.
Let the Spirit of God fill you today and walk in wisdom from above and not beneath.
Be blessed.
Monday, October 7, 2013
As we make a commitment to walk with Jesus and be led by His Spirit the enemy of our soul gets riled up against us. The Israelite's found this out when they went to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. The enemy spoke against them and made plans to destroy them. We know the enemy can make a lot of noise and sometimes even bite us but don't let the threats of the enemy bring you to a place of fatigue where you loose your position of rest. When we get fatigued we tend to get frustrated easily when we are making decisions from a position of fatigue and not rest, we tend to be more irrational. It can lead us to failure which freezes us and fear to do anything sets in.
This is not a healthy way for us to be living. It destroys our testimony with the Lord. So what do we do?
1. Get some rest. You will make better decisions from a position of rest than you do when fatigued. Go to bed earlier and get some sleep. One facet of the Holy Spirit is rest, let Him fill you.
2. Reorganize your life. Some of what we do we can do without. We have to get into position for rest. Maybe even just less TV. Make sure you allow time for God. Don't cut Him out of the picture. Allow time for fellowship with people that will encourage you. Allow for people to help you rise above the storm.
3. Remember the Lord. I am always reminded of how the Lord has healed my mom. She has been tole twice that she has a spot on her lung and we prayed for her. When she went to get the biopsy the spot was gone both times. One time she was going to have a mole removed and we prayed and it just fell off. I remember how He has touched her and how He has healed me and many others. How He has brought provision to me through the years. Remember the Lord and and don't live in discouragement. Rise above it.
4. Resist discouragement. Don't let it settle in on you. Put on a garment of praise and the enemy will go. The heaviness will leave. You don't have to take it from the enemy. As they reorganized in Numbers 4 they went forward in power and might to accomplish the building of the wall. They took their eyes off the focus of the enemy and looked to the Lord. Submit to God, resist the enemy and he will flee James tell's us.
Be blessed and rest in the Lord.
Pastor Ron
This is not a healthy way for us to be living. It destroys our testimony with the Lord. So what do we do?
1. Get some rest. You will make better decisions from a position of rest than you do when fatigued. Go to bed earlier and get some sleep. One facet of the Holy Spirit is rest, let Him fill you.
2. Reorganize your life. Some of what we do we can do without. We have to get into position for rest. Maybe even just less TV. Make sure you allow time for God. Don't cut Him out of the picture. Allow time for fellowship with people that will encourage you. Allow for people to help you rise above the storm.
3. Remember the Lord. I am always reminded of how the Lord has healed my mom. She has been tole twice that she has a spot on her lung and we prayed for her. When she went to get the biopsy the spot was gone both times. One time she was going to have a mole removed and we prayed and it just fell off. I remember how He has touched her and how He has healed me and many others. How He has brought provision to me through the years. Remember the Lord and and don't live in discouragement. Rise above it.
4. Resist discouragement. Don't let it settle in on you. Put on a garment of praise and the enemy will go. The heaviness will leave. You don't have to take it from the enemy. As they reorganized in Numbers 4 they went forward in power and might to accomplish the building of the wall. They took their eyes off the focus of the enemy and looked to the Lord. Submit to God, resist the enemy and he will flee James tell's us.
Be blessed and rest in the Lord.
Pastor Ron
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Let God Lead
Hello Everyone,
Dalanda and I just got back from a few days of rest and relaxation at the Colorado River. It was beautiful.
While we were gone we got an email from our landlord that the house we have been in was sold and the new owner would like to meet and for us to sign a new lease. We have not been under a lease for over five years and didn't want to commit for the long term right now as we see that things are changing in the land. Dalanda asked me the question "Do you have enough faith that God will take care of us if we don't agree to a one year term?" The question then becomes "What if they evict us and we have to move?" So we both were praying and trusting the Lord. When I met with them I told them we think God is up to something and that we should not sign up for a one year lease but we would like to stay on a month to month. They understood and said "OK."
God is so wonderful. Not just because of this but because He gives direction and when we step in His direction He will continue to lead. Let God lead. Let Him show you the way you should go and walk in it.
God Bless you all!
Dalanda and I just got back from a few days of rest and relaxation at the Colorado River. It was beautiful.
While we were gone we got an email from our landlord that the house we have been in was sold and the new owner would like to meet and for us to sign a new lease. We have not been under a lease for over five years and didn't want to commit for the long term right now as we see that things are changing in the land. Dalanda asked me the question "Do you have enough faith that God will take care of us if we don't agree to a one year term?" The question then becomes "What if they evict us and we have to move?" So we both were praying and trusting the Lord. When I met with them I told them we think God is up to something and that we should not sign up for a one year lease but we would like to stay on a month to month. They understood and said "OK."
God is so wonderful. Not just because of this but because He gives direction and when we step in His direction He will continue to lead. Let God lead. Let Him show you the way you should go and walk in it.
God Bless you all!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Hello Everyone!
I remember that fateful day. I was at my business working with my friend Mike and the TV was giving me some background noise. I looked over when the news alert came on about the tower being attacked. We watched in horror for the next couple of hours as the towers came down. Our hearts ached for the people and the city of New York. America had come under attack. This is something we are not used to happening here. I pray we never have to get used to that.
That Sunday as the church was filled with many faces that hadn't been in a while, the pastor, Dave Tanner, walked over to me during worship and told me "God shows me you have the anointing of an Evangelist today, go and preach the word." I went to the stage and preached a message and did the altar call and many people came to the altar to give their lives to Jesus. Many responded to God that day.
Nine months later I was in New York. We went to ground zero. It was a very somber site to see. When we came out of the end of the subway line there were pictures and notes for the people that were missing. My heart was broken. The buildings around the site had covers and one had a huge sign that said "We will never forget." As I site today and remember that time I think back on all the people that came to church on that Sunday after, how the altar was filled with people. I remember that it didn't last. They eventually stopped coming and faded back into their old lifestyle. I asked the Lord where were they. He simply told me "They build their house on fear and that is sinking sand."
Maybe you can remember a time when you made a step toward Jesus and you are thinking today "I need to get back to Him." It's not out of fear but out of you know that He is the way, the truth, and the life. Just bow your heart to Him today and make that decision to follow Jesus. Get back to the house of God where you can grow in Christ. It's a great time to serve the Lord today.
God Bless you!
I remember that fateful day. I was at my business working with my friend Mike and the TV was giving me some background noise. I looked over when the news alert came on about the tower being attacked. We watched in horror for the next couple of hours as the towers came down. Our hearts ached for the people and the city of New York. America had come under attack. This is something we are not used to happening here. I pray we never have to get used to that.
That Sunday as the church was filled with many faces that hadn't been in a while, the pastor, Dave Tanner, walked over to me during worship and told me "God shows me you have the anointing of an Evangelist today, go and preach the word." I went to the stage and preached a message and did the altar call and many people came to the altar to give their lives to Jesus. Many responded to God that day.
Nine months later I was in New York. We went to ground zero. It was a very somber site to see. When we came out of the end of the subway line there were pictures and notes for the people that were missing. My heart was broken. The buildings around the site had covers and one had a huge sign that said "We will never forget." As I site today and remember that time I think back on all the people that came to church on that Sunday after, how the altar was filled with people. I remember that it didn't last. They eventually stopped coming and faded back into their old lifestyle. I asked the Lord where were they. He simply told me "They build their house on fear and that is sinking sand."
Maybe you can remember a time when you made a step toward Jesus and you are thinking today "I need to get back to Him." It's not out of fear but out of you know that He is the way, the truth, and the life. Just bow your heart to Him today and make that decision to follow Jesus. Get back to the house of God where you can grow in Christ. It's a great time to serve the Lord today.
God Bless you!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
The Rapture
As I have been watching the world the last year, it seems that everybody thinks something is up. With people thinking the world would end with the end of the Mayan calendar to movies like 2012 being made. The world has a sense that things are wrapping up in the world. When you look at the Bible you can get the same feeling, but not yet. We still have a great commission that has to be fulfilled. Even when there is wars and rumors of wars, or pestilence or famine, we still need to be sharing the gospel.
If you want to be a "PREPPER", get ready to be with Jesus by "letting go of every weight and sin that so easily ensnares you." I believe in the Rapture of the church. I believe that God does not judge the righteous with the wicked. These are things I hold on to.
Paul tells of the rapture in 1 Thes. 4. He tells how we will be caught up in the air to meet Jesus. In the first part of the chapter he tells us of one thing that makes us reject God, "Sexual Immorality."
If you want to be a "PREPPER", get ready to be with Jesus by "letting go of every weight and sin that so easily ensnares you." I believe in the Rapture of the church. I believe that God does not judge the righteous with the wicked. These are things I hold on to.
Paul tells of the rapture in 1 Thes. 4. He tells how we will be caught up in the air to meet Jesus. In the first part of the chapter he tells us of one thing that makes us reject God, "Sexual Immorality."
Sex out of marriage
Unlawful lust
This is serious business. Make sure your life is free from this stuff. Don't hold on to any of it. Get with your pastor or a friend in the Lord and allow yourself to be held accountable. We don't want any weights holding us down when the trumpet sounds. We want to all go and meet Jesus in the air.
God Bless you.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Our Purpose
by Pastor Ronald King on 08/19/13
They say that 85% of all people that come to church are invited by a friend or family member. With these kind of statistics it would seem that we invest a lot of time, energy, and money in reaching the 15% of the people. As the body of Christ let's begin to target our family and friends with major prayer. Let's get them to come with us to the house of God. Let's take responsibility for getting them discipled. Let the love of God flow out to your family and friends and let's not have to another program when the answer is sitting in our seats. You are the very one that God desires for His love to flow through to reach your family and friends. Open your mouth and allow Him to fill it today.
Don't be silent any longer.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Who do you Worship?
As I read the account of the woman at the well this past week, there was one statement that jumped out at me. Jesus said "You worship what you do not know." It got me thinking about her struggles in life. She was living with a man she was not married to and she had been married five times already. Everybody looks at the divorce rate today as if it's something new, but it was an issue then also.
Jesus' words may have been the solution to the problem, "You worship what you do not know." My marriage was in shambles at the early stages of matrimony. It would have been easy to quit and just walk away. But as we began to worship with a hunger for God, our lives began to be transformed and then our marriage was transformed.
I wonder how many people fill the church's of America "Worshiping what they don't know." Taking the time to know God should be life changing. If your life is not being changed from going to church, take it a step further today and seek Him when your not in church. Let your mindset be changed to know that you are the church. Connect with God today through the Word, Worship, and Prayer. Abandon your heart to Him.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
We showed the movie "Agenda: Grinding Down America" last night in our service. The word of God challenges us to "Watch and Pray." Watching can be difficult at times because we may find things that are wrong in our society and our ability to fix them is lacking. The undermining of morality in the USA is very real. Morality is what keeps a society together. If we throw that away, we can become like the Roman Empire and get to the point that no one see's value in maintaining it and they got overran.
Morality is a glue that keeps us going. When we use the Bible as our standard for living, it has given us Hope for the land. With the recent decisions that our government has been making it has stirred me more for the HOPE we have in Jesus. As the body of Christ we need to pray like never before for this great nation. "Let God arise and His enemies be scattered."
Don't allow yourself to get lax in praying and seeking God. Now is the time to humble ourselves before Him and not to let the things of this world overtake us but overtake the world with the presence of God. Don't give in to world pressures but make a stand for the truth, the truth of the word of God.
Jesus said : I came to reveal truth. Let us who are of the truth walk it out in our lives so that our light shines in the midst of the darkness.
Don't give up.
Pastor Ron
Morality is a glue that keeps us going. When we use the Bible as our standard for living, it has given us Hope for the land. With the recent decisions that our government has been making it has stirred me more for the HOPE we have in Jesus. As the body of Christ we need to pray like never before for this great nation. "Let God arise and His enemies be scattered."
Don't allow yourself to get lax in praying and seeking God. Now is the time to humble ourselves before Him and not to let the things of this world overtake us but overtake the world with the presence of God. Don't give in to world pressures but make a stand for the truth, the truth of the word of God.
Jesus said : I came to reveal truth. Let us who are of the truth walk it out in our lives so that our light shines in the midst of the darkness.
Don't give up.
Pastor Ron
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